April 23, 2024

Metrics Library for Mobile Games

If you can't measure it, you can't improve on it. - Peter Drucker

We know that metrics are essential for mobile games and apps because they provide valuable insights into performance, optimisation opportunities, decision making, iterative improvement, monetisation strategies, user acquisition optimization and the list goes on. By leveraging metrics effectively, developers can create successful and profitable mobile games that resonate with players and drive long-term success. Here we have consolidated metrics that different teams need to make their work better.

For User Acquisition

Att-Installs No. of installs recorded by Attribution services . This data can be used to compare and contrast with the number of installations given by Ad services
DAU Daily Active User (DAU) is the no. of daily active users
CTR Clickthrough Rate (CTR) is the percentage of clicks over impressions
CTR = Clicks / Impressions * 100%
CTI Click to install measures the conversion from ad clicks to installs
CPI Cost per Install is the price the app marketer agrees to pay when a user install their app via paid media through a publisher
eCPI Effective Cost per Install (eCPI) is the final ad price for each app install for the campaign
eCPI= Campaign Spend / No. of Installs (via ads)
Att-eCPI Att-eCPI is the eCPI calculated using data from attribution services. Data from these sources can be more credible as they are intermediary services
Att-eCPI = Cost / Att-installs
eCPC Effective Cost per Click (eCPC) is the cost an advertiser has to pay to get per click
eCPC= Cost / Clicks
CPM Cost per Mille (CPM) is the amount of ad dollar an advertiser has to pay per 1000 ad impressions
CPM = Cost / Impressions * 1000
eCPM Effective Cost per Mile (eCPM) is the amount of revenue an advertiser earns per 1000 ad impressions
eCPM = Total Ad Revenue / Total Ad Impressions * 1000
ROAS Dx Return on Ad Spend Day X (ROAS Dx) is the return on ad spend including IAP and Ad revenue in Day X
ROAS= Total revenue from ad campaign / Total ad spend
LTV Dx Lifetime Value (LTV) is the prediction of the average profitability that a user bring on Day X
LTV= ARPDAU * Lifetime
RR Dx Retention Rate Day X (RR Dx) shows the percentage of people who continue engaging with the app on Day X
RR Day X = Total Active Users Day X / Total installs Day 0
CVR Conversion Rate (CVR) or Clicks to Installs (CTI) is the percentage of users installing the application via an ad
CVR = Installs / Clicks
IPM or oCVR Installs Per Mille (IPM) measures the conversion from impressions to installs. No. of times an app or game is installed per thousand ad impressions
IPM = No. of Installs * 1000 / No. of Impressions
CPA Cost per Action (CPA) is an ad strategy for advertisers to only pay for users who engaged in specific redetermined action. E.g. users who click “play” or perform a “game over” is regarded as an action
CPA = Advertising Costs / Total Actions
STICKINESS Daily Active Users (DAU) / Monthly Active Users (MAU)

For Monetisation

ARPDAU Average Revenue Per Daily Active User (ARPDAU) is a KPI used to measure how well your monetization strategies are working on a daily basis. It tells you how much revenue your active users generate for your app or game every day
ARPDAU = Revenue earned within a given 24hr period / No. of active users that day
ARPPU Average Revenue per Paying User (ARPPU) is a measurement used to determine the average of how much revenue is generated by paying users over a specific time period
ARPPU = Total revenue generated in time period X / Total number of paying users in time period X
Acc. Ad revenue Accrued Ad Revenue is revenue generated from in-app advertisements
Sum of accumulated revenue from in-app ads
Acc. IAP Revenue Accrued In-App purchase revenue so far (Acc. IAP Revenue) is one source of revenue generated from users purchases or subscriptions while playing games
Sum of accumulated in-app purchase revenue
IAP RPDAU IAP RPDAU is the in-app purchase revenue per daily active user
IAP RPDAU = IAP revenue / Daily Active User
IMPDAU Impressions per Daily Active User (IMPDAU) is used to estimate the productivity of monetization strategy regarding impressions. It is the average number of ads shown for active users of an app within a 24 hour timeframe
IMPDAU = No. of Daily Impressions / No. of Daily Active Users
IPDEU Impressions per Daily Engaged User
RPDEU Revenue per Daily Engaged User
Abandonment Rate Number of times a user drop off a specific game level
IAP LTV In-app purchase Lifetime Value
SUBSCRIPTION LTV Subscription Lifetime Value
AD LTV Ad Lifetime Value
RPM Revenue per thousand impressions
Paid Rate Number of users paid for IAP at least once among installed users within the given timeframe / Number of installed users
M-Impressions Monetisation Ad Impression from all active users
Paying users Number of your daily users who spent money on that day
Monetizer DAU Number of your daily active users that have ever monetized in the game
Revenue per transaction Total transaction amounts divided by the number of transactions
First time revenue Total revenue from users spending money for the first time in your game
First time transactions Number of transactions coming from users making their first purchase

For Gameplay

New Users Number of daily users who were new that day
Returning Users Number of users who signed in again X days after installing the game
Attempts Number of times players complete, fail, abandon the game at any level per day
Level Start Rate Number of times a user started a specific game level
Level Fail Rate Number of times a user failed a specific game level
Level Completion Rate Percentage of users who completed each level or stage of the game.
Abandonment Rate Number of times a user drop off a specific game level
Churn Rate Percentage of users who stopped playing the game over a given period.
Play Time per Level Average duration of each gaming session by level
Playtime per session Average of total session length for each session
Playtime per user Average of total session length for each user
Player Progression How quickly users progress through different levels or achievements within the game.
Social Sharing Metrics related to how often users share their gaming experiences or achievements on social media platforms.
Crashes Number of app crashes in your game
Error count Number of error events occurring in your game
Win Percentage Percentage of total level attempts that were completed
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